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WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF SEO - wiz91 technologies

When talking about the types of SEO it’s of many types, like Black hat SEO, White Hat SEO, Grey Hat SEO, Content SEO,  Enterprise SEO, and many others but there are mainly four types of SEO that are basically the most important. 


  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Local SEO

Now let’s discuss the four types one by one, that I’ve mentioned in an overview of SEO for your better understanding,


For any SEO agency in India or internationally, On-Page SEO is important because it helps you to rank on any bot with the help of high-quality content, proper use of meta tags, meta titles, and the header. Using the H1 tags in the meta title and the H2, H3 and H4 tags in the meta descriptions will help the bot to crawl your website easily and once it’s done the audience are easily able to find your site. 

Here are some of the ways to improve your on-page screenings use by the best SEO company in India,

  • Use The Keywords In The Heading.
  • Describe The Title Which Relates To Your Industry.
  • Properly Mentioned The Keywords Throughout The Content.
  • Update the URLs Title Tags, And Front Pages To Get More Visibility To Your Content

And People Interested In Reading The Article/Blog You’ve Written. 

  • Place Your Recent Articles On The Top Of The List.
  • Make The Heading And The Meta Description Attractive And Catchy.
  • High-quality Content But Use Simple Words So That Readers Understand It Properly.


Another better way to get ranked on google is using off-page SEO. The off-page SEO is related to what’s outside the website which helps the company to rank by using backlinks, and hyperlinks, and promoting your websites to other pages to build relevancy and trustworthiness. The off-page SEO is the heart of SEO as it gives navigation to your website. 

We at Wiz91 Technologies follow some of the points that I think every SEO agency in Indore as well as in India adopts,

  • Backlink The Good Quality Content That Relates To Your Content.
  • Put The Most Important Pages At The Top Of Navigation, So That Google Easily Crawled 

Your Website.

  • Engage With The Audience, Give Them Better Suggestions, Guide Them And Inspire Them.
  • Share Your Document On Other Sites Or Platforms In The Form Of Slides Or Images.
  • Social Media Marketing Is The Best Way To Engage With The Right Audience.


Technical SEO relates to the optimization of the technical issue that causes your website to be unable to crawl and index it. You see the people don’t follow the certain implications of the SEO and then suffer to rank on the bot. So by using these technical SEO elements, like crawling, indexing, and rendering a company can easily be on the top. 

The Best SEO company will serve you to be found on the internet easily, and here are the best SEO experts in India as well in Indore have some tips and tricks to be on the top of the game.

  • Use mobile-friendly websites.
  • Optimize the robot.txt.
  • The core vitals are important because it’s going to tell you,
  • How fast does the page load?
  • How is the user able to interact with the content?
  • How fast does the website show its visibility? 
  • XML sitemap creation in a clear manner.
  • Check the duplicacy of your content. 


Local SEO helps your business to be found on google more relevantly with the location of your business. It further boosts the visibility of your audience and helps you to get on the top search list when somebody types the words related to your services. 

To improve the local search results we at wiz91 Technologies, an SEO company in India will help you to get found on the top of the search list by showcasing the reviews and managing the google business account, and checking the accessibility of your website to the locations by improving the NAP’s ( Name, Address, and the Phone number ).

This is just a brief overview.

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