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What is SEO and how does it works?

Best SEO Company in Indore

The word SEO stands for ‘ Search Engine Optimisation ‘, it is a method to attract a huge crowd to our websites to get more visibility, more views, likes, and engagements in an organic way which eventually boosts our growth.  

Okay to understand it more clearly let’s take an example that you have started a business that is running online, now you have to build your customer base, so to attract more customers you have to use marketing tactics to maximize the number of people come to know about your business, your services, and the products you offer. The question is when they will come to know about your newly started business? It happens only in two cases, 

1 – When you use SEO-friendly content. 

2 – When the SEO marketer is marketing your website.

With the help of this example, you’ll know that businesses or professionals hire the best SEO expert in India so that your website will reach a larger audience which helps you to make a profit.

I hope from this you get a basic idea of SEO,

Search engine basics

Answer machines are search engines. To find the information that is most likely to respond to your query, they comb through billions of pieces of content and assess tens of thousands of variables.

All of this is accomplished by search engines through “crawling and indexing,” which is the process of finding and categorizing all online information (web pages, PDFs, photos, videos, etc.), and then “ranking,” which is the process of arranging the content according to how well it corresponds to the query. In the following chapter, we’ll go into greater detail about crawling, indexing, and ranking.

Now in the next topic, we’ll learn what is its importance.


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